Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: the foundation for the future of democracy

To feel represented in a democracy you must be included, valued, and equipped to thrive within society. We believe that the International Association for Democracy (IAD) can be an important tool for mobilising social change through raising awareness of democratic norms and values. Diversity and inclusion are central to this mission.


IAD believes that every individual has the capacity to promote and defend democracy, although states facilitate this with varying degrees. For IAD, equal opportunity means that everyone can participate freely and equally in public life, accessing services without disadvantage or less favourable treatment due to different national circumstances. In some countries, this has resulted in barriers to participation. However, IAD aims to overcome these obstacles by lobbying governments to do more to promote and defend democratic values, thereby making the benefits of democracy accessible to all. At IAD, this involves advocating for additional resources to connect with those individuals who face significant obstacles to democratic participation. However, we believe this must occur with respect to the culture, history and development of the state.


At IAD we are dedicated to cultivating a diverse and inclusive community. We embrace the unique qualities that each individual brings, including different backgrounds, personalities, life experiences, and beliefs. These unique qualities shape our perspectives, approaches, and actions. Therefore, our view is that diversity should acknowledge, respect and value these individual differences in regard to ethnicity, gender, age, race, religion, disability and sexual orientation. Diversity also encompasses a variety of personal characteristics, such as communication styles, career paths, educational backgrounds, geographic locations, income levels, marital statuses and parental statuses. Furthermore, diversity is central to IAD’s aim of linking citizens with their governments; citizens must be drawn from a range of backgrounds in order to ensure that all social groups have equal access to democracy. Hence, we fulfil our mission with a commitment to diversity and inclusion in the groups and individuals we collaborate with, and in our continuous evaluation of our recruitment practices, which is reflected in our diverse team of volunteers drawn from around the world.


Inclusion for IAD means creating an environment in which everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of personal characteristics or circumstances. Inclusion is central to democracy, which values the opinions of citizens. We want to ensure that individuals have the opportunity to fulfil their potential by accessing resources and effectively communicating with governments to achieve democratic rights. Inclusion at IAD empowers diverse societies, allowing them to be heard on their own terms and encouraging individuals to bring their unique perspectives into valued and open discussion. We are committed to enhancing inclusivity in democratic processes. Inclusivity is also central to our own organisational strategy and daily internal practices within the organisation. At IAD, we regularly review and adapt our working practices to remove barriers and prevent marginalisation. We believe that democracy cannot thrive without inclusion. Therefore, inclusive practices are crucial in strengthening and safeguarding democratic institutions, processes, norms and values.